We provide comprehensive legal services for construction companies, investors, and individuals who need assistance with the rent or purchase of real estate, the construction process and the commercialization of properties or premises. Our services include:
- Assessment and analysis of the legal risk of an investment (due diligence) and elimination of that risk.
- Advice on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners, spatial planning, environmental and conservation permits.
- Negotiation, drafting, and reviewing of purchase and sale agreements for real estate and businesses, as well as the compilation of necessary documentation and development agreements.
- Drafting of legal transaction guarantees (mortgages, civil pledges, register, financial) and other types of legal burdens (including land easements or easements of transmission).
- Negotiation and development of agreements for construction works, design works, author’s supervision, and subcontract agreements, etc.
- Advice on obtaining the necessary permits in the pre-investment process (environmental impact assessments, decisions on the conditions of development and spatial planning, conservation permits, building permits, etc.) and in the construction process (change of building permit, occupancy permit, etc.).
- Advice on the commercialization of office or commercial properties.
- Representation of landlords and tenants in negotiating and concluding rent agreements.
- Representation of clients in court disputes arising in connection with the investment process, purchase or rent of real estate (see: Disputes, Court Proceedings and Arbitration).