We provide comprehensive legal services to businesses. We support strategic processes taking place in companies, helping in the creation, legal support, transformation, and liquidation of companies. Our assistance includes:
- Establishment and assistance in choosing the right organizational structure, including limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, general partnerships, simple joint-stock companies (PSA), foundations, associations, establishment of branches and representative offices of foreign companies in Poland.
- Drafting and reviewing the company agreement or articles of association, building organizational structures tailored to needs.
- Support in the day-to-day operation, including increasing/decreasing the share capital, changes in the company’s organs, changes in the composition of the company’s shareholders, changes in the company agreement/articles of association (see: Ongoing Legal Support).
- Representation of the parties in corporate court disputes, including challenging resolutions of the company’s bodies, seeking damages from members of the company’s bodies for damage caused to the company, disputes between shareholders and representation at shareholders’ meetings/shareholders’ meetings (see: Disputes, Court Proceedings, and Arbitration).
- Conducting processes of transformation and restructuring of companies (see: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)), consulting on the purchase of shares, changes in ownership in companies, conducting due diligence of existing companies.
- Compliance – ensuring the operation of the company in accordance with applicable laws (see: Compliance).